Face Beauty Company Skin Consultation


If you'd like to discuss your skin with us or find out more about our treatments or products, we offer a FREE Skin Consultation. This is an opportunity for you to explain your concerns and for us to assess your skin and identify underlying skin problems.

Face Beauty Company has been specialising in anti aging facials for over 12 years and are passionate about achieving results with our cutting edge treatments and scientific skincare. To request a Skin Consultation, simply complete the form below and we will get back to you.

Questions marked with an * are required.

    About You

    Name *

    Date of Birth *

    Email *


    Your Skin

    What are your skin concerns and/or what would you like to achieve? : *

    Please describe you daily skin care routine: *

    What (if any) skin care products do you use? : *

    Allergies and Medication

    Are you allergic to Penicillin?: * YesNo

    Are you allergic to Aspirin?: * YesNo

    Are you allergic to Salicylic Acid?: * YesNo

    Are you pregnant, trying to become pregnant or breast feeding? : * YesNo

    Are you currently taking any medication (including topical creams)? : * YesNo

    Have you used Roaccutane in the last 12 months? : * YesNo

    Have you had any in clinic treatments or facials in the last 6 months? : * YesNo

    Do you use any facial machines at home? : * YesNo

    If you answered YES to the any of the above or if you have any other allergies/relevant medical history, please provide details below:


    Photographs can be really useful to help explain skin concerns. If you have any photos that you think are useful, please upload them using the fields below (optional):

    Maximum file size 3MB

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    Upload Photo 2:
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